Garantie de Prêts aux Petites et Moyennes Entreprises

For what purposes can the Kafalat guaranteed loan be used?

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 14:36 -- admin

For what purposes can the Kafalat guaranteed loan be used?

The Kafalat guaranteed loan could be used for all business related expenditures that include:
   • Purchase of equipment and capital goods. (These can be new or used)
   • Plant renovation, expansion, etc.;

   • Purchase of raw materials, spare parts, working capital, and consulting fees;

   • Construction costs. (However, the loan should not be exclusively used to cover    
     construction costs.)
   • Marketing promotion activities, such as participation in show rooms, foreign exhibitions,

   • Research and development;

   • Other strategic objectives that serve the interest of SMEs and start ups.


The expenses have to be relevant to the business activity that is the subject of the loan.
