Purpose of the Loan
Kafalat Agriculture guaranteed loans may be used to finance many agricultural activities according to the programme:
Kafalat Small Agriculture:
- Purchase of new machinery, renewal or modernizing existing machinery.
- Establishment of new livestock/poultry/fish farms or increase of the number of animals in existing farms, or purchase of new equipment for existing farms, small fishing boats...
- Purchase of beehives and related accessories.
- Purchase of seeds/plants in proportion of land surface, irrigation and nursery equipment, establishment of greenhouses, reconstruction of terrace, reservoirs, and storage rooms.
- Working capital.
- Agricultural post harvest and transformation activities for processing, marketing, conditioning and exporting.
All expenses must be relevant to the business activity subject of the loan, and justified by pro-forma invoices from suppliers.
Expenditures have to occur after approval of the loan guarantee. Project costs incurred prior to the loan guarantee application will not be taken into consideration, unless a valid written justification is given by the bank and approved by Kafalat.
Kafalat Trees
- Purchase of trees in proportion to land surface, and diversification in the variety of trees to ensure a constant stream of income across all seasons.
- Purchase of new machinery necessary for trees, renewal or modernizing existing machinery.
- Purchase of irrigation equipment.
- Reconstruction of terrace, reservoirs, and storage rooms.
- Working capital.
- Agricultural post harvest and transformation activities for processing, marketing, conditioning and exporting.
All expenses must be relevant to the business activity subject of the loan, and justified by pro-forma invoices from suppliers.
Expenditures have to occur after approval of the loan guarantee. Project costs incurred prior to the loan guarantee application will not be taken into consideration, unless a valid written justification is given by the bank and approved by KAFALAT.